Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yard Sign Language

Election time is rolling around again here in Albuquerque, you can tell by the swarms of signs littering busy intersections in residential areas. What is the purpose of political campaign signs? They rarely disclose any relevant information on the candidate. Most of the time they don’t even display a photograph of the person. So what’s the point?

It amazes me that wanna-be politicians pay for huge billboards and thousands of yard signs that say almost nothing about there values and why we should vote for them. Its just plain crazy to me when I see a jumbo billboard with nothing but “vote for candidate X”. How can someone justify spending that much on advertising without sharing just a little bit about themselves? I find myself wondering “why should I vote for you? Because you have a big ass billboard and a huge budget?” Gimme a break.

Now, I’m not suggesting that all campaign signs need to include a detailed life story with an index and bibliography, but they need to give us something. A quote perhaps, maybe even what they plan on doing once in office. What a concept.

As you cast your ballot this season, ask yourself- am I voting for this person because they will best serve the community? Or am I filling in a circle next to there name because I remember the dazzling font and color combination on there signs? Chances are it’s a little bit of both.

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