Thursday, April 17, 2008

Burque Bus Bling

So what is the deal with the painfully obnoxious new bus advertisements here in Albuquerque? If you live here, chances are you have seen the double length city buses sporting casino, fast food and used car lot ads printed directly on them. You may have seen the city bus covered in a gigantic full vehicle “wrap” promoting diamond jewelry. At first glance I was slightly taken aback as I stood at the bus stop gawking at the jumbo bus covered in casino poker chips and roulette wheels. “Wow,” I said to myself, “how in the world did that get approved.”

My mind started firing questions at a mile a minute. Was there a vote? Since it is public transportation, it would seem logical that the public would have some say in the matter. What if a local strip club wanted to put pictures of half naked women covering the bus? What about liquor companies? I suppose if they are paying for the ad its all fair game. The main question that comes up for me is; where do we draw the line?

If our buses are covered top to bottom with full color ads promoting gambling and fast food, should we as citizens be concerned about the implications of these potentially-destructive images on our cities population? Or maybe it’s worth it because all the ad revenue is helping to improve our public transit system. Hey, if the casinos, bars and tobacco companies put there graphics on the buses we could afford a half-decent public transit system. It’s a trade off I guess, no pain no gain.

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